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Demo you can reproduce to try Confidential Containers

1 - CCv0 Operator Demo

The demo shows CCv0 Kata runtime installation and configuration using the coco-operator.

Demo Video

Watch the demo in youtube

Demo Environment setup

Kubernetes cluster

Setup a two nodes Kubernetes cluster using Ubuntu 20.04. You can use your preferred Kubernetes setup tool. Here is an example using kcli.

Download ubuntu 20.04 image if not present by running the following command:

kcli download image ubuntu2004

Install the cluster:

kcli create kube generic -P image=ubuntu2004 -P workers=1 testk8s

Replace containerd

Replace containerd on the worker node by building a new containerd from the following branch:

Modify systemd configuration to use the new binary and restart containerd and kubelet.

Verify if the cluster nodes are all up

kubectl get nodes

Sample output from the demo environment:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                  STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
cck8s-demo-master-0   Ready    control-plane,master   25d   v1.22.3
cck8s-demo-worker-0   Ready    worker                 25d   v1.22.3

Operator Setup

kubectl apply -f

The operator installs everything under the confidential-containers-system namespace:

Verify if the operator is running by runngint the following command:

kubectl get pods -n confidential-containers-system

Sample output from the demo environment:

$ kubectl get pods -n confidential-containers-system
NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cc-operator-controller-manager-7f8d6dd988-t9zdm   2/2     Running   0          13s

Confidential Containers Runtime setup

Creating a CCruntime object sets up the container runtime. The default payload image sets up the CCv0 demo image of the kata-containers runtime.

cat << EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: CcRuntime
  name: ccruntime-sample
  namespace: confidential-containers-system
  # Add fields here
  runtimeName: kata
    installType: bundle

This will create an install daemonset targeting the worker nodes for installation. You can verify the status under the confidential-containers-system namespace.

$ kubectl get pods -n confidential-containers-system
NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cc-operator-controller-manager-7f8d6dd988-t9zdm   2/2     Running   0          82s
cc-operator-daemon-install-p9ntc                  1/1     Running   0          45s

On successful installation, you’ll see the following runtimeClasses being setup:

$ kubectl get
kata        kata        92s
kata-cc     kata-cc     92s
kata-qemu   kata-qemu   92s

kata-cc runtimeclass uses CCv0 specific configurations.

Now you can deploy the PODs targeting the specific runtimeclasses. The SSH demo can be used as a compatible workload.

2 - SSH Demo

SSH Demo to showcase encrypted memory provided by the TEE

To demonstrate confidential containers capabilities, we run a pod with SSH public key authentication.

Compared to the execution of and login to a shell on a pod, an SSH connection is cryptographically secured and requires a private key. It cannot be established by unauthorized parties, such as someone who controls the node. The container image contains the SSH host key that can be used for impersonating the host we will connect to. Because this container image is encrypted, and the key to decrypting this image is only provided in measurable ways (e.g. attestation or encrypted initrd), and because the pod/guest memory is protected, even someone who controls the node cannot steal this key.

Using a pre-provided container image

If you would rather build the image with your own keys, skip to Building the container image. The operator can be used to set up a compatible runtime.

A demo image is provided at It is encrypted with Attestation Agent’s offline file system key broker and aa-offline_fs_kbc-keys.json as its key file. The private key for establishing an SSH connection to this container is given in ccv0-ssh. To use it with SSH, its permissions should be adjusted: chmod 600 ccv0-ssh. The host key fingerprint is SHA256:wK7uOpqpYQczcgV00fGCh+X97sJL3f6G1Ku4rvlwtR0.

All keys shown here are for demonstration purposes. To achieve actually confidential containers, use a hardware trusted execution environment and do not reuse these keys.

Continue at Connecting to the guest.

Building the container image

The image built should be encrypted. To receive a decryption key at run time, the Confidential Containers project utilizes the Attestation Agent.

Generating SSH keys

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ccv0-ssh -P "" -C ""

generates an SSH key ccv0-ssh and the correspondent public key

Building the image

The provided Dockerfile expects to exist. Using Docker, you can build with

docker build -t ccv0-ssh .

Alternatively, Buildah can be used (buildah build or formerly buildah bud). The SSH host key fingerprint is displayed during the build.

Connecting to the guest

A Kubernetes YAML file specifying the kata runtime is included. If you use a self-built image, you should replace the image specification with the image you built. The default tag points to an amd64 image, an s390x tag is also available. With common CNI setups, on the same host, with the service running, you can connect via SSH with

ssh -i ccv0-ssh root@$(kubectl get service ccv0-ssh -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}")

You will be prompted about whether the host key fingerprint is correct. This fingerprint should match the one specified above/displayed in the Docker build.

crictl-compatible sandbox and container configurations are also included, which forward the pod SSH port (22) to 2222 on the host (use the -p flag in SSH).